[Dec 14, 2024] I attended NeurIPS2024 in Vancouver where I presented our recent preprint at the Workshop on Bayesian Decision-making and Uncertainty. The paper is currently under review.
[Nov 9, 2024] I presented recent work on Fine-Tuning of Neural Network Approximate MPC without Retraining via Bayesian Optimization at the SAFE-ROL Workshop at CoRL 2024.
[Oct 10, 2024] Our workshop paper on Variational Bayesian Last Layers for Bayesian Optimization, developed in collaboration with Mikkel Jordahn from DTU, John Willes from the Vector Institute for AI, and James Harrison and Jasper Snoek from Google DeepMind has been accepted to the NeurIPS Workshop on Bayesian Decision-making and Uncertainty.
[Oct 1, 2024] I am happy to share that my former master student, now collegue, Antonia Holzapfel will receive the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Award by RWTH Aachen University for her outstanding master thesis. If you are interested in hardware + BO + safe learning check out our paper on the results of her thesis.
[Apr 5, 2024] I participated in the AI for Robotics Workshop which included very interesting presentations from leading researchers at the intersection of robotics and AI. Furthermore, it gave me the opportunity to talk (among others) to Francesco Nori and Roberto Calandra.
[Mar 28, 2024] I am very happy to announce that two papers, both in coorperation with former Master students, were accepted to L4DC 2024.
[Oct 19, 2023] Today I gave my first invited talk at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories on Bayesian Optimization for Learning Control: High-Dimensional and Time-Varying Approaches.
[Sep 01, 2023] I am happy to annouce that as of today I am an associate doctoral researcher of the UnRAVel research training group which is funded by the DFG.
[Jul 21, 2023] I attended the Cambridge Ellis Unit Summer School on Probabilistic Machine Learning 2023 where I got the opportunity to discuss research (and drink a few beers :beers:) with super talented PhD students from all over Europe.
[May 11, 2023] I received the SEW-EURODRIVE Student Award for the best master thesis at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University.